Sunday, October 17, 2010

In Karma We Trust. Word Count 282

                I believe in karma. What comes around goes around in my mind. It comes from the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism being defined as the effects of person’s actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation. I do not believe in it to that fullest extent but from the extent of do good and good will be done to you and if you do bad and bad will be done to you.
                I see it happen almost every day. Working consultative sales and dealing with many people on a daily basis shows the true wonders of the world. I hear all sorts of stories from people’s history and discussions on what their past days or even months have been just because they have someone that listens to them. They tell you the good side of their life and they tell you their mistakes. After every mistake a lesson is learned and something good happens. If they deliberately are bad they have something happen to them and they have to recover. Some succeed through these others falter and never recover. Karma takes advantage of us all.
                Being a consultative sale associate and paid on commission karma is a killer. We are given chances everyday to be productive and help ourselves and others. In certain situations we can take other’s sales or help them with no advantage to us but kindness. When the sale is taken the product is either returned, problems occur, or the other associate gains a new sale that is better. This scenario always happens.
                Karma is real and it exists. Continue to live for yourself and others with regards to your actions causing damage. What comes around goes around.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Operation Lazy World Word Count 83

  This generation is labeled as lazy. They are obsessed with the new technology, clothes, and gossip. Most do not work or do not wish to work. They complain about everything and anything they can. Computers and cell phones have made face to face contact, homework, and everything else extremely easy or even disappear. Video games and entertainment has increased in dramatic fashion that the only exercise most kids get is walking in school for a few minutes between classes. Without technology this generation will not survive.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Snowball Draft Day.. The First Pick is... Word Count:

                Ms. Juanita’s Snowball Stand is the best in world at creating snowballs. With these amazing snowballs, she creates a friendly environment for all ages and makes it a commitment to be extremely customer friendly. My family and many others are regulars in going to the stand during the summer time. The whole entire neighborhood enjoys her snowballs and her warmth that she possesses. After the snowballs you can usually sit and learn from her past experiences and basically become close friends with her or head down the road and play in the neighborhood park. It is not all about the snowballs that make this place so special but the love and closeness that is felt.
                Overall a very family oriented place to be and to interact with others in the neighborhood or even to spend more quality time with your family. This snowball stand needs to be preserved for all the family time and overall amazing service and most importantly the snowballs. The best and most traditional item to get on a blistering hot day in the summer time is to get that juicy snowball. Ms. Juanita has over thirty flavors including marshmallows and other assortments. It is not just about my opinion it is about the whole neighborhood falling in love with the snowballs made with love and care she makes every single summer day. You cannot find snowballs like Ms. Juanita’s just anywhere.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Snowball Draft: First Pick... Word Count 223

                Ms. Juanita’s Snowball Stand is the best in world in creating snowballs. With the amazing snowballs she makes it is a friendly environment for all ages and the sweetest lady owns the stand and makes it a commitment to be customer friendly. My family and many others are regulars in going to the stand during the summer time. The whole entire neighborhood enjoys her snowballs and her warmth that she possesses. After the snowballs you can usually sit and learn from her past experiences and basically become close friends with her or head down the road and play in the neighborhood park. It is not all about the snowballs that make this place so special.
                Overall a very family oriented place to be and to interact with others in the neighborhood or even to spend more quality time with your family. This snowball stand needs to be preserved for all the family time and overall amazing service and cannot forget the snowballs. The best and most traditional item to get on a blistering hot day in the summer time is to get that juicy snowball. Ms. Juanita has over thirty flavors including marshmallows. It is not just about my opinion it is about the whole neighborhood falling in love with the snowballs made with love and care she makes every single summer day.