Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst of Times. Good WC 97. Bad WC 99

     The best experience I have ever had from education was fourth grade with Mrs. Porter. She was the best teacher I have ever had. She challenged us in every way possible. She got me to enjoy math and more importantly school. I had a project due for her class and I rushed through it as fast as possible. My mom had to erase everything and make me redo it. Mrs. Porter used me as an example. Embarrassed at this occurrence I ended up getting an A for my hard work. She showed me why school was important.
     The worst experience I have had from education was English with Ms. Clawson. She did not know anything that went on in that classroom nor her curriculum. She played favorites with her students. Some students got A’s just for coming to class and shooting the breeze. Others worked hard and got C’s. The class convinced her to take a field trip to the movies all day to watch a movie based off a book we have read in class. She made English more a task than what it really was. They need to bring back the teacher she replaced.  

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