Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Day the Earth Stood Still...

On June 22nd, 1990. BAM! the earth stood still when I was born. From a small childhood I fell in love with superheros like power rangers. I grew older and my love went to computers. Ever since tenth grade I have worked and tinkered with computers and going to make a career from that. I live with my parents and my brother. I work at Sears selling tractors. Yes, I know big difference from tractors to computers. I am a fun and adventurous individual and one day the world will go BAM! and I'll be dead.


  1. I love tinkering with computers too! I built my own desktop. I can never decide on what video card to get, though...

    That's definitely a big jump between tractors and computers! Sometimes a job is just a means to an end.

  2. You definitely seem like you have a great sense of humor and interesting outlook on life. I can definitely relate to having to work at a place that doesn't coincide with my true passion but in this economy we definitely have to do what's necessary. I'm glad you have a plan though and know exactly what profession you want to go into.

  3. First and foremost the power rangers was my favorite show on earth. Billy was a BAMF. Anyway I seriously wish I knew about computers, and my guess is my computer also wishes the same. I recently found out that hard shutting off the computer is not a good thing. Anyway so i guess ill see your name in the newspaper when you invent the computer software that controls tractors robotically!
