Friday, September 24, 2010

They Call Me Nerd Herd Leader. Word Count: 300

    The pocket protectors, glasses fixed in the middle with tape, and smell of science and math in the air can only mean one thing, nerd. Style with the khakis, button shirts, bow ties, and bowl style haircuts make this a fashion disaster to many. Made fun of throughout their life for being different they locked themselves away with their board games and robotics.
    In the early 1960s and getting into the later term, computers were just taking off and only few were excited for it. Sports were the biggest fad in those days. If you were into the computers instead of sports then you were left out and alone with your computers.  Labeled a nerd by the jocks. In clubs throughout the yearbooks were broke off into the same groupings. Being different was a bad quality to have in the past.
    Today there is no real way for many to know they are sitting next to a nerd until they pull out a portable game system or the talk of computers arise. But now a day even that talk and system does not mean you are a nerd. The only way to know for sure is the constant talk about video games or a group playing every day. Being different is expected and wanted in this period.
    Why has this subculture disappeared? Was the bullying too much for the "nerds"? Has everyone in this generation become part nerd? This subculture is alive and well. Everyone has now become part of this movement to be more than just a jock, a nerd, and a princess. Our culture is more defined and more together compared to the past. Technology is a part of this society as much as we are. Computers are everywhere and being used for everything. I am a nerd.

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